What is the focus of our project STEPS?  (2019-2021)

The focus of our project STEPS is the protection of our regions as tourist regions. We want young people to become aware of environmental, cultural as well as social problems caused by conventional forms of tourism. In this field  we want to made research tasks, discuss problems and develop alternatives by working together in different ʺEuropean teams“.

What prior product do we aim at?

We want to develop an alternative guide for young students. Our major project product is supposed to be a digital e-guide for students of our home towns or regions Utrera/Andalusia and Soest/North Rhine-Westfalia. The activities we will select or develop for our guide have to be sustainable. The languages mainly used will be English, Spanish and German.

How do we work together?

We worked out a schedule of activities for the next 24 months. An essential part of these activities will be done during our stays abroad by two groups of students. In spring 2020 the first team of 15 students and two teachers will travel to Spain. In summer 2020 the Germans will welcome their Spanish partners in Soest. One year later a second team will travel and do different activities.

Further activities will be done before, between and after the four mobilities. Our students will have the opportunity to collaborate and communicate via digital media of communication. They will find different communication tools in etwinning – a secure platform for communication between schools in Europe. Not only those students who will travel take part in these activities. Students in different departments and of different years will also take part in the activities and work together with partners abroad.

What are the major STEPS of our planning process?

We will

start with some theoretical studies of the concept of sustainability  in the context of tourism
present our home towns /regions as tourist regions
continue with some investigation tasks on young people’s favorite tourist activities
study existing offers for tourist in our home towns
try to collaborate with local authorities to promote our ideas
make suggestions for further activities (considering cultural, social and environmental aspects)
develop further/alternative activities (creative, active, entertaining, ʺeducationalʺ…activities)
agree on several activities we want to do together during our mobilities
evaluate the activities tested
create a digital guide (layouting, final choice of contents, digital realization)

What are the tools and methods of research, selection and development?

Important sources of information and investigation will be the internet, surveys (questionnaires), interviews (audio-/videorecords) but also online communication (audio-/ videochats). Also regarding the evaluation and selection process, surveys and online-discussions will be helpful tools.

Essential components of our guide are general information on our home towns and information on sustainable tourist activities (texts, photos, audios & videos, etc). These components will have to be developed together or in shared tasks

(a) in different classes of different departments or in some extracurricular activities 

(b) during our mobilities.

Etwinning will be the main digital form of communication to support collaboration here. The development of tutorials could be a useful tool of mutual instruction.

These „semi-finished products“ or components (fotos, films, texts, logos, etc.) finally have to be composed and transformed digitally into an e-guide. Part of this can be prepared by virtual digital communication. During the mobilities the students will also have the chance of real collaboration in a special digital workshop.

Which educational priorities do we hope to support in this way?

We want to support

language learning (Spanish, English)
individuals in acquiring basic skills and key competences (digital competences)
the social and educactional value of European culture heritage (creativity and culture)

   Let’s go the first STEPS together!